1. Learn How Dysport Results Can Enhance Your Skin

    When you’re trying to regain that youthful appearance and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles around your neck and face, then you may immediately turn to Botox® or other dermal fillers that you’ve heard of before. However, there is an alternative that is FDA approved, and you can get started today enhancing the look of your skin. It's been used by men and women alike and continues to grow as a…Read More

  2. Dysport® vs. Botox®

    You’re probably familiar with Botox and all of the benefits it has to offer, but you may not have heard of Dysport. Dysport is also an FDA-approved injectable that can improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles. And although it hasn't been in the US for very long (it's been around since 2009), it has been very predominant in Europe for quite some time. However, you may have a few questions abou…Read More