The biggest factor in weight gain is taking in too many calories. There is a lot of tempting food out there and most of us take advantage, but this can lead to being overweight and unhealthy. Sometimes diet and exercise plans don’t work, especially when you are trying to do it by yourself. A medically supervised weight loss program could be the answer you are looking for — please, consider stopping by our weight loss clinic here in Overland Park to learn about your options.

Having support when you need it and a realistic plan is very effective when trying to drop unwanted pounds. One of the tools used in some of the weight loss programs available are appetite suppressants. Appetite Suppressants are pills that make you believe you are full and can be very helpful when trying to jumpstart a diet program. Here are a few facts about appetite suppressants.

1. Appetite suppressants are only meant to be used for a certain period of time. They are not intended to be used as a long-term solution to weight loss.

2. You should only take appetite suppressants that are FDA approved. Don’t assume that just because it’s available to buy, it is FDA approved. Make sure before you purchase.

3. Before you take an appetite suppressant, you should check with your doctor that you have the weight to lose. Appetite suppressants should only be taken if you are, in fact, over weight. Taking these if you don’t need to lose a lot of weight can be extremely dangerous.

4. There are many different kinds of suppressants. If you start a medically supervised weight loss program, a doctor can determine which of these will be the right fit for you and your goals.

5. Educate yourself on the side effects. Most medications will have side effects, and appetite suppressants are no exception.

Appetite suppressants can be extremely instrumental in helping you lose weight. However, if you take them without a doctor’s help, they may not be as effective as they could be. When you start a medically supervised weight loss program, a doctor will take blood work and perform an EKG before deciding on the type of suppressant that would work best. This is a huge part of the effectiveness of this product. If you try and pick one out on your own, it will be very difficult to find the one that will work for you. A doctor will know which one will work and which one will be safe.

If you are in a medically supervised weight loss program, an appetite suppressant is only a small part of what is done for you to make sure you reach your goal weight. They are only meant to be a tool, not the entire weight loss plan. The doctors at Pierce Medical Clinic understand this. They will tailor a program after assessing your health and situation and help you reach your goal weight. Because it’s medically supervised, you will lose the weight safely. They know exactly how to mentor their patients through programs that are designed to work.

If you are in the Overland Park and Kansas City area, and surrounding areas, call today at 913-214-1154 or reach out to us online. We’d be happy to schedule an appointment for a free consultation and get you started on your road to a better you.