1. Getting Your Body Ready For Summer

    As spring break rolls around and summer catches up right behind it, it’s no surprise that so many people are thinking about how they can look and feel their best. We’ll all (hopefully) be outside more. The days at the lake and the pool, the nights out on the town, the shorter and breezier clothes — these are things that many people look forward to, and just as many people think of with fear …Read More

  2. How to Choose the Right Fasting Program for You

    We’ve discussed the benefits of fasting programs from losing weight quickly to having a variety of supplements to make each step more enjoyable. However, before you dive into a weight loss program and begin the first fasting plan that comes your way, you should take a step back and do your research. On paper, weight loss diets will look easier said than done, so in order to reach a successful ou…Read More

  3. The Key Benefits of a Modified Fasting Program

    When you want to reach a healthy weight and drop those first few pounds quickly, you may have a few ideas in mind on how to do that. One of the first steps you should take is to consult with the team of specialists at Pierce Medical Clinic, and the next is let us customize a weight loss program so that you get noticeable results. A modified fasting program is a popular choice for patients that see…Read More